note: this is incomplete documentation and is more of a brain dump whilst herald is being developed...


Herald tags samples and experiments with processes. Processes included "sequencing", "basecalling", "pipeline X" etc.

Adding a process

note: the UI will only be updated if the process is for samples (I've left the experiment processes harcoded in the UI for now)

  1. add a process definition in processes.go

This file is located in the source code (src/data/processes.go). An example function call is:

createProcessDefinition("mypipeline", []string{"sequence", "basecall"}, false, true)

This will create a process called mypipeline which depends on the processes sequence and basecall being complete.

Message passing


Herald uses Google Protocol Buffers v3 for serialisation and gRPC for message passing. Current versions:

  • Protobuf 3.6.1
  • gRPC 1.16.1

protocol buffers

The protocol buffer definitions are stored under protobuf/*.proto.

updating the schema

If editing the *.proto files, the Go bindings will need to be re-compiled. For example, the bindings for the sample message:

protoc -I=protobuf --go_out=plugins=grpc:src/ protobuf/*.proto
go generate

To update the MinKNOW api:

protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:src/ont_rpc -I protobuf/minknow/rpc protobuf/minknow/rpc/rpc_options.proto


Sample records are stored via bitcask db, which is currently hardcoded to live in /tmp/db.

Sample records are stored in a keyvalue store, where the label is the key and the sample protobuf message is the value.